Anderson "C" Combined

built 1919 in Christchurch New Zealand

 Hi there and welcome to my web site. Ive been collecting bits and pieces ever since i was a kid. I remember the old days when my dad would take me down to the local car dump, i would have been all of seven or eight years old and he would get parts to fix his car while i searched for money down the back of the seats just to buy lollies. But i wasnt until just recent years i took a really interest in stationary engines and things have just progressed from there. Ive spent hours and hours out cleaning, preparing and painting them just to see the end result. Another old engine restored!  And now i can proudly show others what can be achieved with a bit of time and patience. Im lucky that i have a wife who doesnt mind me out in the shed playing around with these old things. Thanks Shelley for all the photos and videos you have taken over the years...

Enjoy looking around...

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