Anderson - Twin Cylinder 

This is my new project that i have just got my hands on.

I made a phone call  one Sunday evening to have a bit of a catch up with an old guy that i had got to know over the last few years and he told me to come and pick up an old motor that he had sitting in his wood shed. Five days later the wife and I are off for a 8 hour drive to pick it up. Home again 48 hours later and into the shed with the others it goes. Once again its the middle of winter here in New Zealand, so its no painting for me on this one for a while, learnt my lesson on one a few years ago, but I still couldnt help myself and here i am wrapped up warm out in my shed polishing any bit of copper that i can get off the engine. Since doing all the polishing, it started to get more tempting and out come the CRC to start freeing up the spark come the fly wheels...where do you stop!!!  Off comes the water pipes, i though it would be a good idea to give them a bit of a blow out and check and see if there blocked up, so silly me deceided that i could blow into them myself....but no, i got the blow back right into my mouth. Yes a mouth full of ants and ant eggs. Sure enough i couldnt help my self and here i am late August degreaseing the engine out side in the cold. And then to my surprise we had a couple of weeks of fine weather...enough time to clean up the engine and get it painted! I thought about it this time...i left the fly wheels hanging up to dry for a good week or so before i even thought about touching them. So off came the masking tape and on went all the brass carbs and fuel lines etc. I even checked the mag for spark before putting it on. So here it is all together...time to crank it over!  What? No spark!!!!  Buggered if i knew what was wrong.  Oh well, i contacted another Anderson enthusiast and sure enough he was willing to help me get this baby going. A couple of days later he popped around and check her out...he fiddled around for a bit and sure enough he got her to spark. The next thing was to get her cranked over. Yip sure enough I crank her over and she was off...the wife had the video camera going, watching and not excepting it to go first pop like she did. Man did she take off, what a job it was to hold her down until we could get the governor sorted, but after that she just purred along nicely.

Next thing its to get a fuel and water tank hooked up....thats the next project!!!


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