Anderson "C" Combined

 This engine is my pride and joy...I managed to get my hands on this engine from off a farm not to far from where i live. It had been kept in the shed all its life which is a big bonus. As i was still new and getting to know about stationary engines i didnt have a clue as to what i had got my hands on. It was all in parts, scrattered all around the shed, bits here and there. But i managed to get it all into the back of my car and off home i went.  I got it home, still not knowing what i had picked up. So i got on the phone and let my mate know that i had picked up an old engine. He popped around to check it out...well he nearly fell over backwards when he saw it.  We got to work and started to assemble it, there were parts everywhere...i got the head planed and bore honed just for picece of mind and it was all apart so why not!
 I was lucky with this one, as i didnt have to do any painting. Nice to know its still got the orgainal paint on it. Amongst the pile of bits and pieces were two magnetos...Thompson and Bennett mag.
 All complete, even down to the compressor on the side...
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